Note: this list is compiled from organizations and initiatives currently led or supported by people in our network. We are adding new initiatives all the time, so check back again soon! If you’d like to add an organization/initiative, please contact us at team@aeyn.org.
Save Philippines Seas
Save Philippines Seas (SPS) is run by a small team of dedicated and passionate seatizens, primarily project-based volunteers. SPS aims to narrow the gap between scientists and the general public, the old and young, and the passionate and indifferent by mobilizing seatizen-led initiatives that are empowering Filipinos towards collective action and behavior change.
Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines
YACAP is an alliance of individuals & youth formations that advocates for immediate, youth-led, and collective global climate action, climate justice, defense of environmental defenders, and systemic change. Essentially, they are the Fridays for Future of the Philippines.
Youth Leaders Environmental Action Federation
The Youth Leaders for Environmental Action Federation (YLEAF) aims to promote an environmentally-oriented, sustainable, and climate change resilient Eastern Visayas through the creation of a replicable regional community-network of diverse and committed youth organizations, individuals, and volunteers throughout the region. Based in the Philippines, YLEAF has organised climate strikes, hosted webinars, and led workshops to empower youth in fighting for a sustainable future.