Note: this list is compiled from organizations and initiatives currently led or supported by people in our network. We are adding new initiatives all the time, so check back again soon! If you’d like to add an organization/initiative, please contact us at team@aeyn.org.
Singapore Youth Voices for Biodiversity
The Singapore Youth Voices for Biodiversity (SYVB) aims to empower Singapore youths to have a voice in the decision-making process for biodiversity locally and globally. SYVB hopes to align the interests of various youth environment groups in Singapore, encourage collaboration and set a direction towards the 2050 vision of ‘Living in harmony with nature’ by the United Nations Convention of Biological Diversity.
Singapore Youth for Climate Action
Singapore Youth for Climate Action (SYCA) is a community organization whose mission is to meaningfully engage youths in climate action or environment-related volunteerism. They serve youths in Singapore (15 to 35 years old) by providing climate change-related volunteering opportunities that promote climate awareness, climate action, and environment-related volunteerism in Singapore.
Bye Bye Plastic Bags Singapore
Bye Bye Plastic Bags Singapore is a branch of the global Bye Bye Plastic Bags organization. Through education, outreach, and various events, they work to limit the use of single-use plastic in the community.
SG Climate Rally
SG Climate Rally was born from the understanding that we face a climate emergency, and that individual action alone is insufficient to tackle it. They stand for climate justice and push for a just transition, seeking to uplift communities and work with those in power to achieve fair, ambitious climate policy to safeguard our future through petitions, campaigns, and other events/initiatives.
Charlye & Co.
Charlye & Co. is a Singaporean business, consisting of a fashion eCommerce and a media outlet called "Girls Unite" where they share stories of inspiring young women. Charlye & Co. regularly partners with local non-profit organisations to raise funds and awareness for their respective causes. In 2020, they launched a campaign to fundraise for the fight against the Australia Bushfire and our #SGUnited Information Bank, a database of small businesses and freelancers to encourage people to support local during the COVID-19 Pandemic [not open to youth involvement currently].
Eco Youth Collective
Eco Youth Collective is a ground-up initiative started by a group of passionate youths, for youths. They aspire to create a supportive space to empower environmental advocates who push for collective action and systemic change. They engage pre-tertiary students through their 4 main programmes: EcoDrive, Mentorship, Green Conversations and Curated Curriculum.
Young Sustainable Impact - Southeast Asia
YSI SEA, headquartered in Singapore, is the Southeast Asian branch of the international Young Sustainable Impact organisation. YSI SEA is a registered social enterprise in Singapore, with focuses in the fields of Energy Transition, Food & Agriculture and Circular Economy.
YSI SEA aims to serve the Southeast Asian community and drive impact in the region by empowering youth through our programmes and courses, while developing close connections to young minds and established organizations across the region.