Politics for the Planet

South Korea 대한민국 🇰🇷

2024 Legislative Elections

한국어 버전

English Version


Written by: AEYN Volunteer Team

Translated by: Ryan Choi, Victoria Han

Designed by: Frencis Mae


  1. “Framework act on carbon neutrality and Green growth for coping with climate Crisis,” September 24, 2021. https://faolex.fao.org/docs/pdf/kor210354En.pdf

  2. Lee, Y., Lee, J., Lee, B., “Announcement of National Basic Plan for Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth,” Kim & Chang. July 6, 2023. https://www.kimchang.com/en/insights/detail.kc?sch_section=4&idx=27488

  3. “South Korea - Country Commercial Guide,” International Trade Administration (US). December 5, 2023. https://www.trade.gov/country-commercial-guides/south-korea-energy-carbon-neutrality-initiatives

  4. “제22대 국회의원선거 정당정책,” 중앙선거관리위원회. https://policy.nec.go.kr/

  5. 윤원섭, “민주당 ‘한국판 IRA 법’ 발의…재생에너지. 수소 세액공제 등 어떤 내용 담겼나,” Greenium. 3월 15일, 2024. https://greenium.kr/climate-policy-net-zero-ira-korea-incentive/ 

  6. “위원회 소개,” 탄소중립녹색성장위원회. https://www.2050cnc.go.kr/base/contents/view?contentsNo=7&menuLevel=2&menuNo=1

  7. “[보도자료] 문재인 정부의 탄소중립정책 , 온실가스 배출은 오히려 늘고 전기요금 압박은 가중. 연평균 GDP 0.5%P 감소 요인으로 작용 윤석열 정부, 탄소중립 목표 이어 가되 대대적 정책전환 불가,” 제 20대 대통령직인수위원회 대변인실. 4월 12일, 2022. http://webarchives.pa.go.kr/20th/20insu.go.kr/news/153?page=15 

  8. “녹색당 2020년 국회의원선거(총선) 정책공약집,” 녹색당. 9월 7일, 2022. https://www.kgreens.org/data/?q=YToyOntzOjEyOiJrZXl3b3JkX3R5cGUiO3M6MzoiYWxsIjtzOjc6ImtleXdvcmQiO3M6ODoiMjAyMOuFhCAiO30%3D&bmode=view&idx=12790425&t=board 

Other Resources

Interested in learning more about the Korean candidates? Find all the election information on the government’s platform.

Disclaimer: AEYN does not endorse specific candidates or hold affiliations with any political parties. Political views in content written by volunteers do not necessarily represent AEYN’s views as an organization.